TYPE: Regular Board Meeting
DATE: 11/21/2023       TIME: 6:00 PM
LOCATION: 721 Summer Avenue, Newark, NJ 07104
1.0 Call to Order (Reading of Statement)
2.0 Flag Salute
3.0 Roll Call
4.0 Greetings from Principal
5.0 Recognitions
6.0 Committee Chairperson's Reports
6.1 Approve Committee Reports Action
7.0 Approval of Minutes
7.1 Approval of Minutes Action
8.0 Student Representative's Report
9.0 Board President's Report
10.0 Superintendent's Report
10.1 November Quarterly Forecast Info
11.0 Public Participation
12.0 Finance & Operations - Votes
12.1 Finance & Operations - Votes Action
A) Finance and Operations
12.2 2023-2024 Joint Transportation Agreement Ewing Public Schools and Newark Board of Education
12.3 Newark Board of Education Operating Account Checks - October 2023
12.4 Secretary Report - September 2023
12.5 Treasurer Report - September 2023
12.6 Transfer Report - September 2023
12.7 Payroll Summary for 10/06/2023 and 10/20/2023
12.8 Authorization of District Travel
12.9 Subrecipient Agreement - Rutgers University
B) Purchasing
12.10 Award of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and General Ventilation Products Contract 9809
12.11 Award of Note Taking Filler Paper Contract 9806
12.12 High School American History Instructional Materials Purchasing Reference 9834
12.13 Renewal of Repair, Maintenance, and Installation of Clocks, Public Address and Intercom Systems Contract 9450R1
12.14 Notification of Action Taken: Emergency Declaration Structural Damage at Roberto Clemente Elementary School Purchasing Reference 9844
12.15 Amendment of Dual Enrollment Pre-College Programing Contract 9523
12.16 Change Order One to Courtyard Masonry Restoration at Mount Vernon Elementary School Contract 9585
12.17 Renewal of Bulk Waste Pick-Up and Disposal Contract 9392R1
12.18 Change Orders One through Five to Roof Replacement and Masonry Restoration at Hawkins Street School Contract 9633
12.19 Award of Catering Services II Contract 9807
12.20 Award of Parent Engagement Professional Development Contract 9817
C) Facilities
12.21 Continued Use of the Temporary Classroom Units and Leased Facilities
12.22 Submission of the Comprehensive Maintenance Plan
13.0 Finance & Operations Items Pulled From Consent
14.0 Personnel Votes
14.1 Personnel - Votes Action
14.2 NBOE Resignation Retirement November 2023 Action
14.3 NBOE Appointments November 2023 Action
14.4 NBOE Co-Curricular November 2023 Action
14.5 TCNJ MOU 2023-2025 Action
14.6 NBOE Transfers November 2023 Action
14.7 NBOE Personal Leave Requests November 2023 Action
15.0 Personnel Items Pulled From Consent
16.0 Instruction & Programs - Votes
16.1 Instruction & Programs - Votes Action
16.2 Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between The Collaboration and Partnership with Dream Chasers Community Services, LLC., Federally/ State Qualified Pre-ETS Provider and the Newark Board of Education Action
16.3 Approval of Grades 11-12 Social Studies Elective Curriculum: Crimes Against Humanity by the Newark Board of Education Action
16.4 Approval of a Research and Data Sharing Agreement between the Newark Board of Education and Harvard Extension School - Harvard University Action
16.5 Approval of Professional Practice and Portfolio, Units 3 and 4 Curriculum by the Newark Board of Education Action
16.6 Approval of 10th Grade AP Social Studies Curriculum by the Newark Board of Education Action
16.7 Authorization of District Field Trips Action
17.0 Instruction & Programs Items Pulled From Consent
18.0 Executive Session
19.0 Adjournment
19.1 Adjournment Action
Newark Board of Education